Throughout my Master's degree, I've learned of several educational technologies that I believe can be useful in the classroom. In an effort to share these gems I will post my own two cents with a video or summary of the technology.
Evernote is more useful than you thought! I know, you thought it was just a good place to write down some notes - but it's cooler than that. Although, it's true, you can take notes on Evernote. You can take notes and read notes on your phone, your tablet, and your computer!

Here's how one teacher uses Evernote to organize her lessons and resources:

Another thought:
As a teacher, do you archive the notes your write on your whiteboard?
Evernote allows you to search text in the photos you save. So take a picture of your whiteboard, save it in Evernote (organize however you organize), and then when a student says, "I missed the notes about cells," you can look up key words you wrote on the whiteboard, and pass on the notes you wrote on the board. Or you can reference them the following year when you're ready to teach this subject again.

Evernote can also be used as a student portfolio that can be shared with the students and students' parents:

Since Evernote is free, give it a try and let me know how you use it in your classroom!